Evergreen Education Group

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Requesting input on new National Standards for Quality Online Learning

The Keeping Pace blog has been quiet recently as we are working on a project that will provide a new hub for digital news and resources. We will share additional information on that in the coming months, and in the meantime we are posting only occasional timely items.

Among these is news of an effort to refresh the iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Learning, which have provided the benchmark for establishing quality online courses, teaching and programs for more than a decade. The Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance  (VLLA) and Quality Matters  (QM) are leading a broad-based effort to revise the National Standards for Quality Online Learning, with a goal of providing the K-12 online and blended learning community with an updated set of openly licensed standards to help evaluate and improve online courses, online teaching and online programs.

A critical step in the revision process is to hear from users or past users of the standards. The VLLA, QM and the teams of contributors want to respond to your ideas and concerns in the revision. They are inviting you to provide input through two separate surveys, one on the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching and one for Online Programs. The National Standards for Quality Online Courses will be revised in 2019.

Your responses will provide critical data to inform the work of the revision teams. These surveys ask you to provide information and comments on each of the standards and the supporting indicators. The survey will remain open until June 20, 2018. Links to begin the surveys are as follows.

Follow this link to the Online Teaching Survey:

National Standards for Quality Online Teaching

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:


Follow this link to the Online Programs Survey:

National Standards for Quality Online Programs

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:


For more information, please contact Butch Gemin at butch.gemin@opencircleprojects.com or Christine Voelker at cvoelker@qualitymatters.org.